In the heart of Tanzania, the towering walls of the Ngorongoro crater set the stage for one of the most infamous rivalries in the natural world. The sisters of a formidable lion pride clash with a hyena clan ruled by an all-powerful queen. The sisterhood shares responsibility, while the hyena queen must play clan politics and enforce a strict hierarchy to keep her crown.
- Year2024
- Runtime49 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryEast Africa, Tanzania
- DirectorRachael Kinley
- ScreenwriterChloë Sarosh
- ProducerRachael Kinley, Chloë Sarosh
- Executive ProducerVanessa Berlowitz, Angela Bassett, Pamela Caragol, . Co-Executive Producer Chloë Sarosh
- CinematographerIan Llewellyn, Adam Clarke, Justine Evans, Neil Anderson, Gavin Thurston, Sue Gibson, Tom Crowley, Luke Barnett, Simon Niblett, Sophie Darlington, Johnny Rogers, Erin Ranney, Chad Higgins, Ben Platts, Steve Quann, Mark McClean
In the heart of Tanzania, the towering walls of the Ngorongoro crater set the stage for one of the most infamous rivalries in the natural world. The sisters of a formidable lion pride clash with a hyena clan ruled by an all-powerful queen. The sisterhood shares responsibility, while the hyena queen must play clan politics and enforce a strict hierarchy to keep her crown.
- Year2024
- Runtime49 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryEast Africa, Tanzania
- DirectorRachael Kinley
- ScreenwriterChloë Sarosh
- ProducerRachael Kinley, Chloë Sarosh
- Executive ProducerVanessa Berlowitz, Angela Bassett, Pamela Caragol, . Co-Executive Producer Chloë Sarosh
- CinematographerIan Llewellyn, Adam Clarke, Justine Evans, Neil Anderson, Gavin Thurston, Sue Gibson, Tom Crowley, Luke Barnett, Simon Niblett, Sophie Darlington, Johnny Rogers, Erin Ranney, Chad Higgins, Ben Platts, Steve Quann, Mark McClean